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Medflow Plus

Tel: +44 (0)808 280 8018
Address: 7 The Mill, Stane Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0FF

How Does the Verification Process Work?
Before you take your Rapid Antigen Test, you’re required to take a photograph of your blank testing strip. You must video yourself taking the test and take a photograph of your test result after the 15 minute development time has elapsed. Your results will then be verified and your certificate will be emailed to you. The Quick Start Guide in your testing kit contains full instructions for the testing and verification process.

When Will I Get My Certificate?
If you have completed all the steps correctly and your test is negative, your results will be emailed to you directly after you have submitted your results – typically within 30 minutes.

Is this a New Day 2 Lateral Flow Test?
At this time this testing kit is not approved for Day 2, 5 or 8 testing, however when the official government announcement for Day 2 Lateral Flow Tests is made, Private Harley Street Clinic, MY TRAVEL TEST, will put on sale our NEW Day 2 Lateral Flow Test Kit.

Can I Book a New Day 2 Lateral Flow Test in London Clinic?
Yes, you can book a new Day 2 Lateral Flow Test in Clinic in London with Private Harley Street Clinic at the end of October.

Can I Take a Rapid Antigen Test in My Hand Luggage?
We recommend putting your Rapid Antigen Test in your checked baggage – but if you’re only taking hand luggage with you, we advise that you open your testing package before passing through security, remove the small liquid vial and place it in your clear plastic bag as part of your liquids allowance, to ensure you don’t experience delays at security.

I don’t have an iPhone, can I still use this service?
If you are an Apple user, you will get the best experience if you use the app after signing up. You can also use your phone’s web browser – and this will still work on iOS and on any other device’s web platform.

Can I use this service using a laptop?
Yes – if you are using a laptop, simply hold the test cassette up to the camera to capture the codes and take a picture. This will suffice for the blank test strip and the result test strip.

How do I sign up?
When you have your testing kit, you will need to sign up before you take your test. Either scan the first barcode on your activation card or visit this page.

After filling in your details on the sign-up page, you will get an email with a ONE TIME PIN. You need to enter this PIN into the next screen. This is a one-time process only. Please do not click on resend a code too early as you may end up having several PINS sent to your email. Once you have signed up successfully you will end up on the Dashboard. Sign up must be done on the website and NOT the iPhone App.

My QR Code isn’t working
You have a QR code on the ACTIVATION card. Make sure you use this card to conduct your test. It will not work if you try the QR code on your INSTRUCTION card side.

Please note, our new style cards have the INSTRUCTION QR code and the ACTIVATION code on the same side. Use INSTRUCTION QR code to go to the correct website to sign up and login, and use the ACTIVATION QR code to activate your test after you have logged in, and started ‘Take a test’. If you’re still having difficulties, please email and someone will be in touch to help as soon as possible.

I don’t have a QR Code in my kit
In the unlikely event that you find your kit is missing a QR code, please email with:
– Full name of person doing the test
– Date of Birth
– Passport number
– Time of test
– Date of test
– Location of test
– Picture of test strip before and after and confirmation of negative result

My video has timed out or is taking too long
If there was a timeout or technical bug, lost internet connection etc. please email, urgently explaining what went wrong and our team will show you how to fix this issue.

Where should I record my video?
We recommend taking you video seated in a well lit room with the contents of your kit laid out in front of you. Please watch the how to video and read all the instructions before starting your test. You should be appropriately dressed and upload the testing process only. You do not need to give a commentary of the process.

Can I take my photos and video outside the portal and upload them later?
Please only upload your photo and videos while logged into the portal and connected to the internet.

What is meant by the term ‘test strip’?
The test strip is the plastic cassette that you drop your sample onto. It has a testing window marked with the letters C and T. It looks like this:

Rapid Antigen Test My Travel Test

© 2025 MedFlow Plus. Registered office address 7 The Mill, Stane Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0FF